Your School La Petite Academy of Doral, FL

Camp Carnival

Enrolled Parent?: Contact Us
Open: M-F, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Ages: 6 Weeks - 12 Years
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Camp Carnival

Please note: Our school is only open to Camp Carnival employees. We are not open to the general public.


Welcome to Our School

Welcome to La Petite Academy! My name is Izsy and I am the academy director of this school that offers Infant Care, Preschool and other early education programs. I have been a part of the La Petite family for nearly 20 years!

I am proud of the recognition received for my work with children in our community and their successes in school after leaving our care. I have been recognized by government agencies for the services we provide to students at our school.

Our team includes qualified teachers who are passionate about their work with children. Their experience ranges between one and 19 years. To keep our students safe, all safety and security procedures are strictly enforced by our staff.

We’re committed to keeping you connected throughout the day while your child is in our care. Get access to live streaming video of your child’s classroom, plus other real-time updates, with our exclusive mobile app for families, SproutAbout.

I am very excited for this new chapter in my child care career with the families of Camp Carnival and look forward to meeting you and your children!

Book a Tour Online

Our scheduling tool makes it simple, fast, and convenient! In just a few clicks, you can choose your ideal date and time, and confirm. 

Schedule a Tour Now

Our Programs

Learn About Electives

For an additional fee, go beyond regular classroom learning experiences with our enhanced series of fun, interactive enrichment programs exploring a variety of activities. We offer:

Dance, Handwriting & Advanced Math, Music, Phonics, Soccer, Spanish, Tennis, Yoga

Proud to be Accredited!

We’ve been recognized as a high-quality early education program.

Give Your Child a Great Start With VPK

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is a free daily, 4-hour program that includes breakfast and lunch, with the option of extended wrap care. This full-day learning experience enhances your child’s school readiness journey. Every child who turns 4 by September 1 may be eligible for free VPK. Schedule a tour to learn more.


It’s the ultimate summer experience! It will be a wonderful season, filled with friendship, playtime, discovery, field trips, delicious food, and more. Experience the wonder of summer.

Explore Our Summer Camp

Meet Our Staff

Izsy Rojas, Director

Education: Associate's Degree

Certifications: Childcare Administrator Credential, National CDA, Florida Director Credential: Advance VPK endorsed

I have 22 years of experience in early childhood education. I am working on a bachelor's degree in early childhood education.

Meet Our Staff

Peggy Del Cristo, Assistant Director

Education: Associate's Degree

Certifications: Child Care Administrator Credential and National CDA

I have 15 years of experience in early childhood education and have been an employee of our company for 14 years.

Local School Phone Number: 305.406.5437305.406.5437 License #: C11MD2733

*Offer provides up to $200 off first week of attendance and up to $200 off a second week in January 2025. Tuition credits equal to up to $200 of enrolled tuition rate are applied with full weekly tuition paid in advance by check or ACH. Must enroll and attend prior to December 31, 2024. Enrollment is on a space available basis. No cash value. Limit one coupon per child. One time use. Not valid with any other credit or offer. Learning Care Group is not responsible for and cannot replace or redeem lost, stolen, destroyed, or expired coupons. Offer not valid for Learning Care Group associates or their immediate families. Offer subject to availability. Offer does not guarantee enrollment. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. ©2024 Learning Care Group (US) No. 2 Inc. Coupon Code: FY25Winter$200-Off2Weeks Offer expires: December 31, 2024.
